the very real people
the very real people. need to think about life, talk about life, they are the people to go to. intellectual, emotional depth, philosophical, visual and personable. the ultimate combination. and of course since their lot is to teach visual expression, the maturity in thought development is extreme.
tham, guy on extreme right, asks in an email from columbia u "Thanks for the link, ( ) I was just wondering, what makes an award winning photo. The political overtone or the love of humanity, or is it just another game. I totally agree, to be able to work for National Geographic would really give people the drive to create good works. "
its not often that im open to being exposed to new dimensions of thinking. but this time, after reading his email, i asked the same question he did. is it because we stick true to the values of humanity, and rejoice in that. or are we shrouded by current affairs and political overtones. and in the end, we report to a public that celebrates the expression of these politicized developments and counts its epic nature as that of chief importance. but then again, there are times where humanity is valued by society to be of chief importance and perhaps there, there is no game. One also cannot deny that yes, amidst what we call political overtones, there often exists a heck lot of humanity within. and so, the conclusion is that the line is indistinct, but as photographers and the public, we must be consciously aware of this indistinct distinction. maybe then we will be slightly sharper to our surroundings. have i been able to lose you? great, because i don't know what I'm talking about either. now comes the real issue. today i took a cab back with josh, and yes thoughts grew. i asked. replied yes. why did i so think of this? months are long, i mean short. but that doesn't matter. three things surfaced from the conversation, but most important thing is..don't stress.I'm fine with whatever you're fine with...given these hectic days. (hans says this in his most stable and placid tone. unfortunately and ironically, he learnt the word 'placid' a long time back from the movie 'lake placid', where giant man eating crocodiles ruled the earth). give it time and talk i guess.most important thing is..DONT WORRY!... talk to me if need be.. smiley faces on blogs are ugly.
anyway i did have an interesting short time with shiv and josh as we waited for shiv to finish his very potent kopi o gosong. talked about the new group. called one a sparticist. opposing view, but with probably ineffectual and shallow unaware uprising concepts. soon to 'bring on board' or shape up la. but then again who are these high handed seniors, that come back to 'shape us up'. lets think carefully, before going in. flexibility, sincerity, discernment and unity on our part is quite necessary. good valued assessment coupled with the added charisma will always spur it forward. ai, better not jinx it by over intellectualizing it. will leave it to our next meeting and be honest there.
I've seen that pic before, but it just struck me how lovely it is. Captures them very real and sincerely, lovely.
The new grp ah? Hahaha.. HAIIII.
Dont think so much stickman, past a certain point, not worth it liao.
Gotta trust.
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