the very real people
the very real people. need to think about life, talk about life, they are the people to go to. intellectual, emotional depth, philosophical, visual and personable. the ultimate combination. and of course since their lot is to teach visual expression, the maturity in thought development is extreme.
tham, guy on extreme right, asks in an email from columbia u "Thanks for the link, ( ) I was just wondering, what makes an award winning photo. The political overtone or the love of humanity, or is it just another game. I totally agree, to be able to work for National Geographic would really give people the drive to create good works. "
its not often that im open to being exposed to new dimensions of thinking. but this time, after reading his email, i asked the same question he did. is it because we stick true to the values of humanity, and rejoice in that. or are we shrouded by current affairs and political overtones. and in the end, we report to a public that celebrates the expression of these politicized developments and counts its epic nature as that of chief importance. but then again, there are times where humanity is valued by society to be of chief importance and perhaps there, there is no game. One also cannot deny that yes, amidst what we call political overtones, there often exists a heck lot of humanity within. and so, the conclusion is that the line is indistinct, but as photographers and the public, we must be consciously aware of this indistinct distinction. maybe then we will be slightly sharper to our surroundings. have i been able to lose you? great, because i don't know what I'm talking about either. now comes the real issue. today i took a cab back with josh, and yes thoughts grew. i asked. replied yes. why did i so think of this? months are long, i mean short. but that doesn't matter. three things surfaced from the conversation, but most important thing is..don't stress.I'm fine with whatever you're fine with...given these hectic days. (hans says this in his most stable and placid tone. unfortunately and ironically, he learnt the word 'placid' a long time back from the movie 'lake placid', where giant man eating crocodiles ruled the earth). give it time and talk i guess.most important thing is..DONT WORRY!... talk to me if need be.. smiley faces on blogs are ugly.
anyway i did have an interesting short time with shiv and josh as we waited for shiv to finish his very potent kopi o gosong. talked about the new group. called one a sparticist. opposing view, but with probably ineffectual and shallow unaware uprising concepts. soon to 'bring on board' or shape up la. but then again who are these high handed seniors, that come back to 'shape us up'. lets think carefully, before going in. flexibility, sincerity, discernment and unity on our part is quite necessary. good valued assessment coupled with the added charisma will always spur it forward. ai, better not jinx it by over intellectualizing it. will leave it to our next meeting and be honest there.
O'sheah! Philip Neville! Rooney! Eagles!
Goodness what a time for a chelsea draw and a 0-2 comeback. i was flipping between channel 23 and 24 to and fro. woahoh....and with a name like Eagles...u've got to be destined for greatness. He had such a smooth finish. Im also half wondering whether neville purposely pa jiao-ed. "This is the year" says seow. perhaps it is." We need two more wins, which means we could lift the trophy at stamford bridge too" says jacob. mark of a true fan. Hoho.lets go friends. 2 more wins 2 more wins.
its times like these (some 11:45s) when I quite want to change my msn status from 'appear offline' to 'online.' but resist resist! do work! because I know I cannot multi task.and so i come to blog about it -_-at least theres no response.busy busy days.
sigh, today i realize
its tough when you put your heart and soul into something you believe in and it gets shot down.
In this case, it was the bid for:
the establishment of permanent institutions, that will shift us to focus more on the need for dependence on, or a more mutual acceptance on the genuine needs of students- an avenue and purpose that should actually be fully developed by now. This of course must be enacted with utmost diplomacy and credible representation, if not it never works. Ranting is not our purpose. Credible dependence and a mutual responsibility in mature leadership is what we're looking for. All for the betterment of our post secondary school community. how noble.
But even as we propose this direction, the dangers and possible abuses must be highlighted from the start. Firstly, mechanisms never act independently, if they do, they lend themselves to becoming unfeeling and routine, neglecting their original purpose. it must always come hand in hand with values of sensitivity, discernment,humility, empathy and the wise counsel of teachers. Yet just like how mechanism cannot act independently of values, neither can these values act independently of the mechanism. It is as simple as, procedure gives values and beliefs potency and are thus often needed for effective execution. Our role must thus include the fulfillment of these two core requirements to the best of our ability. It thus really sucks when this push for the opening of the much calculated and belief fuelled avenue is rejected. Maybe give it a week? re-approach it differently? i don't know, its just very discouraging to hear that they never want to have this dependence- which is unrepresentative of a mature post secondary school community.
i dont like it when terms have to be abstract, i cannot quote examples, and the knowledge of the above broad descriptions being possibly unacceptable as well. Its like writing a bad essay with big concepts, but no historical backing to substantiate your point. It must be hard to follow like that. Thus, this is my semi wish. That when we conclude our time, i will release a memoir akin to:
Maybe title will change a bit. so will posture and name.=X haha aiyar..its not that epic la. its just that, with every experience, there are observations to analyze and comment on. Also, writing helps formulate well weighted value judgments which are increasingly demanded in our ever deceptive world.
And so, am i disappointed? yes, very. Disheartened at their mindsets? yes very.
it is an ideological battle. A battle against ingrained mindsets of 15 years. Never easy. no time to battle also.
'you have to work together with us on this' she says today. Agreed, but its got to work the other way too, to mutual understanding and having a consolidated approach..hopefully.
Eight's worth it..lets look around still
Waking up in London at Lishans place.What bliss. i got up late on most of them though, and chan was most displeased.a pensive photo thus taken by him in jest of my grogginess. on another note...
i am very full.always am after sunday dinners with the five cousins, uncles aunties and grandfa. heard a good message today, nice atmosphere, made friends, it was well balanced and i felt comfortable...glad. oh..and no alternative theories:P
thats always the number one concern..haha.
sleep early friends.
its vjc this week! glad, quite glad..glad...well pleased.
lol i like myself alot better when im in a happy disposition. on another note gregory and the hawk suck=X
clouds and a night sky
i wish i could have captured the swirl of clouds around it.Apart from that, i've had such a meaningless week. stayed up on Tuesday to finish ee and think, and it just went down from there. (it was, finish ee first before think). Felt very tired in school after that.Maybe it shows. I've had the same amount of good times with friends during break, training was good, but somehow, as i end the week i reach the point of finding the usual taken for granted assurance, gladness, and acceptance of the past week missing. Mrs Elaine lee's devotions on Friday was very apt though.Seemed to address the questions that arose this week. i think God likes to engineer these coincidences to tell ppl things. its just that the magic that i used to view it with isnt quite there anymore. I think its self willed. i need to figure out this whole whether 'feeling Gods presence' is it right, is it wrong, how much of it is true, how much of it is self created, how much of it is misled, how much of it is sincere, once and for all. im tired. connect the dots please.
this graph looks to be a straight line.
no wait a minute, its starting to curve.
look again,
its circular.
whatever that means.
Sometimes shooting with the wrong white balance works. i think i'll purposely try underexposing my skies with the camera next time.
hmm..i wonder if im angry because i want to be angry. either that or im angry because i'm just stubborn and self willed...and i dont want to give into something or someone else. maybe its part of an excuse for not wanting to give up other areas of my life to God, and having something to hold against Him under the name of 'reason- God you're illogical' works. but what if i give in because its just practically easier.How bout if i accept it and go on living in joy because i know of the better reality now. and that one day i will experience the same reality. and maybe release the sadness with this knowledge. the only thing about that which troubles me is that it seems to be the practically easier step. and that faith seems to ignore alot of questions. but should i even be asking the questions in the first place? is there an answer?aiyar im not burdened. its just that theres always this unresolved issue that comes around at least once every year during this time period. just that it is usually accompanied by alot more sadness. maybe i've just learnt to block it out a bit more..which is never a good thing i guess.
but i dont know whether i want to think about it because i hardly think about it at other times.
because i dont know the answers and it always leads back to the same point
and i think if u keep avoiding'll just either never be thought of or covered over.
and i mean what other kind of emotion to feel when u think about it besides sadness and hurt? and do u really want to visit that?now i dont know if its nice to remember. remember also for what. no use right. cant bring back anything. am i pissed with God. maybe. i think a level of me is, inside.until i get an answer. its better if someone kept talking about it every year. and to have someone keep telling me it means something. my father doesnt talk about it anymore. now family members are hardly around. people forget. they say get on with life, live life like its normal. of course u do that. but u have intrinsic questions never answered, and u go on living life practically. its almost like i hope someone would give me an answer some day. but how to tell someone this and expect them to give u an answer? not fair also right. so just let it pass. the question that arises then is...whats good, whats right, whats beneficial, whats understandable. how do u know...but feel it..think it..and let it pass by. i said..'dearest mum, i'm glad God healed you. Everyone prayed Hard.' love hansand what do u get. for his own quiet time. he needs i angry..i dont know if im angry. more sad than angry.3rd april.
today i learn about the french horn
Brass Family instruments produce their unique sound by the player buzzing his/her lips while blowing air through a cup or funnel shaped mouthpiece. To produce higher or lower pitches, the player adjusts the opening between his/her lips. The brass family can trace its ancestry back to herald French horns, hunting horns, and military bugles. The main instruments of the brass family include the trumpet, trombone, French horn, and tuba. As with other instrument families, the shorter the tubing length, the higher the sound and the longer the tubing length, the lower the sound.
The horn or French horn consists of about 12 feet of narrow tubing wound into a circle. The player obtains different notes on the horn with a clear mellow sound by pressing valves with the left hand and by moving the right hand inside of the bell...on top of that, it makes wailing sounds which in time i will learn are rather is also a friend's favourite orchestra instrument behind the lesser used piano.
oh well...sleep sleep. night.
and all the best with EEs..whoevers up doing them. my time will be tomorrow. as for now, ippt for NS seems like a more worthy cause to sleep for.