Thursday, May 25, 2006

this is getting tough

i never really blogged about council...partly because things werent so clear over the past few weeks and anything that came out probably wouldnt be clear either.

but here it is: our ideas for how we're going to decide where we're heading have been concretized. June camp...3 day sessions of General aim, general purpose..then moving to department aim department purpose...and then to department action plan, department timeline and the beginning of actual planning for each specific event. that is the plan from now to june/june that we know exactly what to do and can present everything to the students the moment they come back. ie. study benches..opening up classrooms to study in between papers when common tests start..benches for changing in the toilet..extremely happening constantly updated notice board complete with photos section..students' chill out lounge...IB library room/ study area..because its not fair to make librarian ladies stay back pass like 6.00 for just a handfull of students..and then again we cant possibly have a study area which opens till 5 whn school ends at 4.40. so....all this...job scope...general mission...and actual planning and assignment of roles will be dealt with during the assigned slots during camp. and i think ive emphasized this vanessa first mentioned...i think it is so important to show them what we can do at the start of term 3, as opposed to just asking asking what do u want us to do..and they say..change the rules! and we have a tough time handling that and it just goes round in circles. there are many fantastic plans and ideas in store, council..we will be concretizing these plans this June camp. i think the Exco knows about it already, and they will put it across and discuss it with you guys as well this june. of course you, as much as the dept heads will be directly involved and incharge of charting where your department heads. thats what June camp is all about, because you are the departments, and the departments are the council.

thats our work and next months mission to complete. Exco i think we're ready based on whatever was discussed and brought forth last meeting. i hope that we have 100% attendance and commitment from both heads and ADHs..council was never meant to be a walk in walk out any time i like session. lets start it right. but i think all the heads are ready for department discussion facilitation, so lets continue to be prepared for that.

One of the concerns now is maybe the council is generally feeling abit lost. sorry for the inability to be able to meet fully and translate this across lets be patient and wait for camp in a a week and a half's time. of course, if anyone does have any questions..any concerns about where we're heading..what we're doing..any genuine concerns, talk to arthur van or myself. we're as accountable to you as you are accountable to the rest of the council. plus, we will always always try to be on top of things, but if anything slips us by we need your help to point it out to us.

Of course all these plans for the direction in which we feel our council has to take has to be passed through the relevant authorities, so i hope we can get done asap. we need to get things cracking before camp.

and yes its really quite abit of work..quite abit of planning...quite abit of planning and many many layers to translate all our plans to..but hang in there guys!=X i know its pretty wah seh at pretty wah seh at times also...coupled with tiredness..not so good results and the IB life....but we'll pull through this. things are going to work out great. oh and as for whether or not i should blog about council...or talk about it to friends. i think like this its fine. i think the golden rule is to always remember the tone in which it comes across and the approach. i think it is alright to express our fact it might even be good that people read or hear about that they understand that council isnt just a bed of roses and just fun fun happy stuff. its actual work. and its actual people relations. and its actual real tough stuff. all this just to serve u better.

now...i really want to mention all this to the council..and let them know where we're going...assure them and ask them to be patient for a well worked out and hopefully smashing June camp..but got no time la. oh oh theres ib open house on tuesday! okok great...fantastic..that would be a great time, almost everyone will be down. anyway..for those of you who just read this..i hope you have a clearer picture about whats going remember anything else can always ask me ok? or van or arthur for that matter. =D and do help us remember everything for tuesday. thankew!


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