Thursday, August 09, 2007

find a way to achieve voluntary subscription to a ban on factions

The title has nothing to do with this post. Just more random political musings.

Well, out of all the Vietnam readings (which actually isn't much...very reasonable), I found this paragraph from President Johnson to his brother most intriguing.

"That's just the's always my move. And, damn it, I sometimes can't tell whether I'm making the right move or not. Now take this Vietnam mess. How in the hell can anyone know for sure what's right and what's wrong, Sam? I got some of the finest brains in the country- people like Dean Rusk...and Dean Acheson- making some strong convincing arguments for us to stay in there and not pull out. Then I've got some people like George Ball and Fulbright- also intelligent men whose motives I cant rightly distrust- who keep telling me we've got to de-escalate or run the risk of a total war. And, Sam, I've got to listen to both sides....I've got to choose between my opposing experts...Buit I sure as hell wish i could REALLY know what's right."
-Taken from The USA and Vietnam by Vivienne Sanders.

I must say I did feel a sense of empathy for LBJ after reading that paragraph. Despite the criticism about the lack of transparency which he operated under, the conversation sounded tremendously raw, fraught with his decision making burdens. Now I suppose it serves to reveal the struggles that most national leaders with good intentions would face in a crisis. Isn't that what everyone wants to know...whats REALLY right?


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