Sunday, August 26, 2007

and its yeh yehs birthday!

Grandfa's a happening man.
and thats the teochew singing lady.

ling. ben. lish. hans. chris. amanda. tim. karen. ashley. gerrold
andrew and alex. And Bryan Tay's in japan swimming fast, hopefully.

Most lady like Amanda Tay

and Ashley looks most amused, amusing :P

Ling and I

And the mandatory abstract shot.

Turned out really much more formal than i expected, and we didn't do stupid things like the last time, but oh well. Cousins are going back in a few weeks. gah. Shall wait for next summer then.

for the patriot

skies of our land:)
took them from my tutor's place today, now it isn't spectacular, but its Singapore:P
I have masked my tone for that double meaning line behind the ambiguousness of internet text.. :P Sleep earlier please! Night:)

Friday, August 24, 2007

Hear ye! Hear ye

i knew i saw that light ray from heaven thing somewhere. Didn't capture it that well though.

remember doyle? ^ ^

a duck
Random photos of greecian temples, cloud hidden mountains, cliff sittings and ducks....
the point is....i want to TRAVEL! Beyond this red fireworking land.
Russia Russia! Siberia! Siberia! the ideological motherland beckons.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

find a way to achieve voluntary subscription to a ban on factions

The title has nothing to do with this post. Just more random political musings.

Well, out of all the Vietnam readings (which actually isn't much...very reasonable), I found this paragraph from President Johnson to his brother most intriguing.

"That's just the's always my move. And, damn it, I sometimes can't tell whether I'm making the right move or not. Now take this Vietnam mess. How in the hell can anyone know for sure what's right and what's wrong, Sam? I got some of the finest brains in the country- people like Dean Rusk...and Dean Acheson- making some strong convincing arguments for us to stay in there and not pull out. Then I've got some people like George Ball and Fulbright- also intelligent men whose motives I cant rightly distrust- who keep telling me we've got to de-escalate or run the risk of a total war. And, Sam, I've got to listen to both sides....I've got to choose between my opposing experts...Buit I sure as hell wish i could REALLY know what's right."
-Taken from The USA and Vietnam by Vivienne Sanders.

I must say I did feel a sense of empathy for LBJ after reading that paragraph. Despite the criticism about the lack of transparency which he operated under, the conversation sounded tremendously raw, fraught with his decision making burdens. Now I suppose it serves to reveal the struggles that most national leaders with good intentions would face in a crisis. Isn't that what everyone wants to know...whats REALLY right?

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

non-documentatitve photography

A series of photos that doesn't tell the story of the night = to non-documentative photography = abstract photography/lucky photography/ crappy stuff.
This lot needed quite a bit of fixing. I was pretty peeved with myself, considering that i had actually gone with the intention of specifically shooting the chinese dance troupe, but positioned myself poorly by the time they came on stage. I ended up shooting from the middle of the CPA instead of from the floor at the foot of the stage, in fear that my tripod would block the vips. if i had sat at the foot of the stage..I would have gotten the dude in the second photo flying upwards towards me, instead of to the left. That way the power team of f2.8s would have been truly worth it. Oh well, wasn't thinking straight, problems with exposure too.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Night of Fast Lenses

In order to break the air of disconcertion that my last post has left, I shall now tell you about my happy arsenal for tonight.

17-55mm Nikkor f2.8
70-200mm Sigma f2.8
50mm Nikkor f1.8

hoho I've never had such a fast arsenal all at once. Still bringing a tripod and remote release though, so that i don't have to pump my infamous d70s' ISO up too high. Performance photography can be quite fun, wish i could shoot some dance troupe sometime, or an actual theatre performance.

There are many things to be grateful for. And also many things to resolve.