thinking about some things, reflections
and the guys are guys..and love a boat to themselves.
and so about school. i think we're moving at too fast a pace. its quite upsetting sometimes, taxing to say the least. but thats where we're heading i guess. of course this one was a long time coming, but thats in another direction. life sometimes seems so planned for us. the framework, the grid is already outlined infront for us to follow. i dont quite agree with it sometimes...but what to do? the good thing about these grids however, is that most of the time theyre very broad, so on the ground level u could have some space to readjust certain elements to suit your liking. of course the real track is still too fast, and we end up getting dragged and swept along at the same time. sigh, one more year of mixed feelings about the school i guess. i think in the end the positives outweigh that which is negative. hopefully we can have a good talk about direction some time soon...and make the best out of our small grid, at least make it something to remember, meaningful, and worth while. not just party organizers, lets get down to business.
last thing on my mind today. heard so much of the bickering...each..without any prior knowledge would have been immense un-credible bitching. sigh i guess i didnt fit the personality. whats more, the additional outlooks on life,on council, were sometimes stressful, sometimes pissing off...sometimes terribly dissapointing..sometimes worrying..sometimes scary. selfish, i think so, im wondering if its on my part too. what to do? work from here, remember and enjoy the good times. dont care about the rest...and have good friends...who are far and few between.
This guy just has great sports and nature shots, fantastic skill and amazing composition. He must be super seasoned...heh..nice character in his photos too.
the author of this site travels round big cities like New York, Paris,London, taking pictures of people who he thinks dress well..and...if im not wrong was spotted by vogue magazine and now shoots for them. He's made quite a name for himself. some good stuff man. Its quite a mood lifter, updates very frequently and checking out what fashionable people he shoots is really interesting... I have it bookmarked!
these fellars shoot snakes. Maybe technically not as good all the time but i bet its really hard. Dont think you'd quite enjoy it if you hate snakes.
oh well..sports photography and nature when taken well can be really really nice. but the technical skill, equipment and of course composition have got to be really top notch. gah..wish i could shoot like that, amazing stuff...i have a feeling mrs elaine lee's nature photography is really pro as well. oh well have fun viewing!